You can purchase YourTube HD for the iPad from the Cydia Store for $5. If you want to purchase it from Cydia then go ahead but if you would like to first try it out with our Cracked Version of the very same App then follow the tutorial below.
How To Install YourTube 2.0-1 (Cracked) .deb file
- Download YourTube 2.0-1 .deb file here
- After downloading the deb file above rename it to YourTube.deb
- Copy it to var/mobile on your iPhone
- and install using ifile or do the following
- Open up mobile terminal
- Type in su (press return)
- Type in alpine (press return)(Change your default password due to security reason)
- Type in dpkg -i pirni.deb (press return)
- Reboot and Respring your iphone.
Alternate Ways To Install:
Auto Installation
Auto Installation
Ssh your iPhone. You may see instruction on how to install .deb file via SSH. And make a folder called AutoInstall in/var/root/Media/Cydia/ so you have /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall which is case sensitive and drop this debs file in the autoinstall folder, reboot and respring your iPhone.
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