Note: You must install Backgrounder first via Cydia before your install Multiflow. Checkout my instruction on how to install Backgrounder.
- Download Multiflow .deb file here
- rename the deb to multi.deb
- Copy the deb to var/mobile on your iphone
- Open up mobile terminal and do the following or install using ifile installer by tapping on deb
- Type in su (press return)
- Type in alpine (press return) (Change your default password due to security reason)
- type in dpkg -i multi.deb (press return)
- Reboot and respring
Ssh your iPhone. You may see instruction on how to install .deb file via SSH. And make a folder called AutoInstall in/var/root/Media/Cydia/ so you have /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall which is case sensitive and drop this debs file in the autoinstall folder, reboot and respring your iPhone.
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