Note: Safari Download Manager not allow you to view your downloaded files. It's recommend installing iFile or another comparable file manager. Safari Download Manager also not works on iPhone OS 2.x.
How To Install Cracked Safari Download Manager
- Rename downloaded file to SDM.deb or whatever you like
- Copy the file to var/mobile/
- Open mobile terminal on your iPhone and do the steps below exactly
- type in su (press return)
- type in alpine (press return)
- type in dpkg -i SDM.deb or whatever you named the file (press return)
- Reboot and Respring
- Fire up safari and get to downloading things.
Ssh your iPhone. You may see instruction on how to ssh your iPhone. Also you can checkout my post on how to install .deb file using ssh. And make a folder called AutoInstall in/var/root/Media/Cydia/ so you have /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall which is case sensitive and drop both debs file in the autoinstall folder, respring and reboot your iPhone.
Once your downloaded has complete. Tap on the downloaded file and Safari will asked your to "open in iFile" and just tap on "Open In File" to view and its automatically launch direct to your iFile apps to locate your downloaded file. This integration only pop up if you already purchase or installed iFile.

Your can locate and navigate your downloaded file on your iFile apps at /var/mobile/Library/Downloads/downloaded file. Make sure your locate this directory again if you would like to SSH with your iPhone for file transfer.

Auto Installation Using i-FunBox
Auto Installation Using i-FunBox
You may click here for easy way of auto installation using i-FunBox. Just use your USB cable!
Locate Your Downloaded File
Once your downloaded has complete. Tap on the downloaded file and Safari will asked your to "open in iFile" and just tap on "Open In File" to view and its automatically launch direct to your iFile apps to locate your downloaded file. This integration only pop up if you already purchase or installed iFile.

Your can locate and navigate your downloaded file on your iFile apps at /var/mobile/Library/Downloads/downloaded file. Make sure your locate this directory again if you would like to SSH with your iPhone for file transfer.

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