Category: Photography
Price: $0.99

Size: 0.4 MB

Latest version: 1.0

SmartSplice uses advanced graphics algorithms to greatly improve the speed and ease of creating high-quality image selections. SmartSplice even handles partial-translucency! Along with the provided image filters, this allows for some very powerful and professional-looking image effects.

The extraction process is simple:
(1) Load an image (or capture via a camera on iPhone).
(2) Choose "Extract object" from the menu at the bottom.
(3) Use the "Rough outline" tool to quickly paint a very
rough outline of the object (this outline can be coarse,
but should cover the actual object boundary).
(4) Click "Next" and use the "Foreground" bucket fill tool
to fill in the rest of the foreground object.
(5) Click "Extract object".
(6) Optionally further refine the extracted image if desired.
Click "Edit clipping". Use "Erase" to erase and "Restore"
to undo any erasures.

Note: You can always use the "Move/zoom" tool to drag and zoom the image. Single touch to drag, pinch to control zoom.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.2.1 software update. You can purchase via iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code: