The easy way to transfer file is using Disk Aid. DiskAid is a freeware that lets you transfer files between iPhone / iPod Touch and PC. With DiskAid you can manually select all or one by one of your favorite ringtone file by copying and transfer it to PC without using iTunes. See more details about DiskAid and download it here.
Step 2: The ringtone file that we would like to copy should be save it at /Root/Library/Ringtones directory. Once you're at "Ringtones" directory just click at menu "Copy File To Device". You'll be required to select file that you want to copy. For example, just locate "I Dont Love You.m4r" file where you just saved it at "new folder".
Step 3: Once your complete, you ringtone file is saved in your iPhone. Close your Disk Aid.
Step 4: Just "slide" to unlock your iPhone and Go to "Setting" > "Sounds" > "Ringtone" to check your ringtone. You should see a new favorite ringtone just added into your "Standard" ringtone section.
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