Category: Productivity
Price: $2.99

Size: 0.1 MB
Latest version: 1.0

TeleScreen enables IPhone/IPod Touch to view the entire desktop of a remote PC in realtime. Your device will become a small PC monitor. It provides a quick and simple solution to peek what's going on your PC. Its only support all Windows OS (XP, Vista, Server).

How to use:
- Download and install TeleScreen daemon (Free) software from
- Install the daemon on the PC side. (Mac version coming soon)
- Start the daemon and wait for TeleScreen Applet on IPhone to connect.
- Once the connection is made, the TeleScreen Applet on IPhone side will keep update you with the lastest desktop UI change without user intervene.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.0 software update. You can purchase via iTunes link or download .ipa file code via link below: