Simply tap on the button will bring you to the new Theme Center and access the theme library. You are allowed to select themes based on the model of your iPhone. If you’re using iPhone 4, you probably would opt for the HD themes with Retina support. Previewing a theme has never been so easy. With a single tap on the selected theme, the Theme Center will offer you a nice theme preview. If you love the theme, just tap the “Package” button and install it right away. According to the developer, all themes available are selected from the top selling vendors in cydia, as well as, free themes selected by folks at MacCiti and ModMyi. New themes will be added on biweekly basis. To avoid low-quality content, additional featured themes must go through nominations via one of the theme partners including MacCiti, ModMyi or Planet-iPhones). In future, however, the plan is to allow users to nominate themes directly to cydia rather than going through the partners.
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