Wired.com has reported that a source closely connected Apple’s hardware team claimed to know the specification and release date of the new iPhone 3G. If the rumor is true, you’ll be very likely to see the new iPhone on Jun 17 and it’ll come with the following features:

- 32GB and 16GB to replace current capacities
- $199 and $299 price-points to be maintained
- 3.2 Megapixel camera

- Video recording & editing capabilities
- Ability to send a picture & video via MMS
- Discontinuation of the metal band surrounding the edge of the device
- OLED screen
- 1.5X The battery life
- Double the RAM and processing power
- Built-in FM transmitter
- Apple logo on the back to light up
- Rubber-tread backing
- Sleeker design
- Built-in compass
- Revolutionary combination of the camera, GPS, compass, and Google maps to identify photo and inform about photo locations.
- Turn by turn directions

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