Category: Productivity
Price: $4.99
Size: 0.3 MB
Latest version: 2.2

A brief user manual is available at You can select text, copy, paste, download documents for offline viewing, and take screenshots of the site you?re viewing from the magic touch menu. That menu also allows you to email what you?ve copied and establish bookmarks too, making nearly everything you could want to do just two button presses away at a maximum. iBlueAngel is the magic web browser with many amazing features:

- Copy and paste text from web pages.
- Email the selected text along with URL of the page to any email address. Paste the text into the input box of the app for searching.
- Save documents for offline viewing. Supported file formats:
+ Microsoft Word (.DOC)
+ Microsoft Excel (.XLS)
+ Text files (.TXT, .RTF)
+ Text from web page (.HTML)
+ Image files (.PNG, .JPEG, .GIF).
Saving files happens asynchronously so you still can surf the web while downloading your large files.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.0 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code: