Actually there is a several apps available in AppStore that you can buy to free and cleaning up your iPhone memory. However, I only show your four recommended application to free your iPhone memory.
Free Memory 1.4

Free Memory with 1.4 version apps can free up 20 MB of memory to make it available for applications. It's more convenient than restarting your iPhone every time. This leaves any remaining memory available to non-native iPhone applications. This remaining memory can change and can affect the performance of non-native iPhone applications, sometimes even causing the applications to close unexpectedly.

You also can view all running processes and view your actual battery level as reported by the OS. For iPhone 2.2 Os, please bear in mind, if you have less than 4 MB available, freeing memory may take about 1-2 minutes, or it may cause a reset. That's mean you have to freeing memory if you have less than 4 MB by tapping "Free Memory" button. For installation problem go to Apple's tips at http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1702 and for any inquiries go to http://recessionapps.com/Free_Memory_FAQ.html.

Memory Status

Memory Status

Memory Status apps displays information of the amount of memory in MByte. It takes around 10 - 30 seconds to clean memory and it will finish cleaning memory is the Memory status exits automatically. There is two difference level which is level one indicate finishes Safari and obtains some free memory and level two indicates finishes Safari, Mail and iPod and obtains a bit more free memory. See short video above how to use it. Read more detail to my previous post about Memory Status.



iStat can help free up memory for use by all of your applications. The current record is 55mb. It is the good stuff because this apps allow you remotely by monitor CPU, memory, disks, temperatures, fans, uptime and load averages of any Mac from your iPhone. iStat can use either Bonjour or TCP/IP to connect to any number of Macs running iStat Server. A Linux & Solaris version of iStat Server is also available. Check out the video below on how to remote to your Mac.

Please note some features such as temperatures are not yet supported on Linux/Solaris. iStat Server (required for remote Mac monitoring) is a free download from bjango.com (Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or greater). Available at AppStore for $1.99, go to direct iTunes link to purchase or download cracked .ipa file code:

With System Activity Monitor you can get information and view all running processes, CPU usage, WiFi IP address, Runtime (RAM) memory usage, free memory, storage (Disk) usage and battery level. For more information go to www.recessionapps.com/System.html.
However, you have to connect to internet access available from your device so that the Free Memory button and Battery Info information will be available for the first time launching. Once you launching this apps, just hit the "Free Memory" button to free your memory up to 40 MB rather than Free Memory 1.4 only can free until 20 MB.
Get it at AppStore for $2.99 only via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

Please note some features such as temperatures are not yet supported on Linux/Solaris. iStat Server (required for remote Mac monitoring) is a free download from bjango.com (Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or greater). Available at AppStore for $1.99, go to direct iTunes link to purchase or download cracked .ipa file code:
Updated: Download cracked .ipa file for version 1.20:
Updated: Download cracked .ipa file for version 1.20:
System Activity Monitor

With System Activity Monitor you can get information and view all running processes, CPU usage, WiFi IP address, Runtime (RAM) memory usage, free memory, storage (Disk) usage and battery level. For more information go to www.recessionapps.com/System.html.
However, you have to connect to internet access available from your device so that the Free Memory button and Battery Info information will be available for the first time launching. Once you launching this apps, just hit the "Free Memory" button to free your memory up to 40 MB rather than Free Memory 1.4 only can free until 20 MB.
Get it at AppStore for $2.99 only via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:


Hope this four apps will prevent your iPhone from crashing for many times. Recommended for users of Skype, Monopoly, Tap Tap Defense, iFart, iShoot, iSteam, Pocket God, iGirl, Distance Shore, Google, games, Palringo, Soduku, SimCity, Spore Origins, TETRIS, YAHTZEE, Bablegum, Action Bowling, TanZen, Pianist, Facebook, Facephone, Band, i Fishing, Fieldrunners, iMob, Myst and any app that asks you to restart or reboot the iPhone before playing.
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